Coprosma robusta   karamu
Life Form:
Flowers Seeds Dispersal:
Dioecious - the male and female wind pollinated flowers are produced on separate plants in the early spring. Generous clusters of orange/red fruit ripening between February and August the following year
Tolerates very wet conditions, but grows well wherever there is sufficient sunlight. Prefers rich soil. Karamu is a very common early colonizing species in the Waikato, growing very quickly but requiring plenty of sunlight and won't thrive in the shade. Karamu tolerates very wet conditions and will grow in dry infertile places. As with all Coprosmas, karamu is dioecious, the male and female wind pollinated flowers are produced on separate plants in the early spring, with generous clusters of orange/red fruit ripening between February and August the following year. Karamu fruit are a valuable food source for birds and of course attract birds which may bring in other native seeds